50-65 Days—Georgia Southern is a large collard plant with a cabbage-like taste! This variety produces bluish-green leaves that can grow up to 36" tall and do not bunch or head like cabbage leaves.
When treated as a 'cut and come again' type of vegetable, the collards become nice sized trees. These large open heads are great for cooking or freezing.
Normal Packet: 50+ seeds
Sowing: For a spring crop, direct sow Georgia Southern collards seeds 6-8 weeks before the last spring frost. For a fall crop, direct sow the seeds 6-8 weeks before the first fall frost. For smaller plants, plant a few seeds every 12” and1/4 deep; later remove all but the strongest plant. If you need bigger plants, space them 2’ apart. For companion planting benefits, plant collards with tomatoes.
Growing: Water regularly, and provide compost or organic fertilizer several times in the summer. Collards tolerate heat very well.
Harvesting: Begin gathering leaves when the plant reaches 10-12” high; take the outer leaves first. Eventually your plant will begin to resemble a tree, with all the leaves on the top of the stalk; at this point it may need the support of a stake. A spring crop of collards usually comes an end in the hot weather of summer, while a fall crop will produce well after frost. Frost actually makes the flavor of collards much sweeter.
Seed Saving: Allow the plant to flower and go to seed. The pods will look somewhat like small green beans. After the pods dry and the seeds inside are dark brown, remove them from the plant and dry them completely indoors. Clean off as much chaff as possible, then store Vates collards seeds in a cool, dry place.
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Note: IMPORTANT: I am not responsible for buyer germination success, seeds have been tested.
1. Any and all claims made through USPS must be made by the buyer, our company will assist you with any claim as much as we are able. The final responsibility relies with the buyer.
2. We are not responsible for any error on the carriers fault- crushed package, lost package, delayed package or any other case that might arise. Once the package leaves our facility the liability is on the buyer.
3. Any problem you have with the package needs to be reported to me within 24 hours of the delivered time stamp from USPS.
4. When purchasing from us you are agreeing to these terms and conditions and you understand the inherent risk of having living plants shipped to you in the mail. Leaves do get damaged, some roots will have die off, this is all normal when shipping plants. Our company will be here to assist you in any if you need help acclimating your new plant.
5. Plant might be a little smaller/bigger, more or less full, longer or shorter but we do our best to make it similar to the listing photos.
6. These terms are final as soon as the package has been shipped through USPS and the tracking number has been created and scanned into the system.
7. You are agreeing to these terms if you make a purchase through my shop.